Monday, August 13, 2012

Flume Gorge, Franconia Notch, NH

I went on another hiking adventure this weekend, this time to Flume Gorge in Franconia Notch, NH.  Franconia Notch is part of the White Mountains and has some fantastic hiking.  It was my first time hiking up to the Gorge and the scenery was absolutely beautiful!

A boulder from the ice age!!

A lot of the birch trees were infected by a fungus that was brought over by the Europeans.  If you look closely, you can actually see through part of the tree on the right side.

It's about a mile hike to the top of the gorge.  Not surprisingly, most of the hike is uphill.  Your reward is an amazing view!

The flume flows from New Hampshire, down through Massachusetts and out to the Atlantic Ocean.  

The best part isn't the waterfall; it's crossing over the flume and navigating through the narrows.  It was so cool!  There were pictures along the trail showing what the area looked like in the late 1800s/early 1900s and though clearly some boulders have fallen over the last 100 years, not much has changed otherwise.

It's very humid and tropical, so not surprisingly it's ridiculously green in the narrows and it's clear that nature will grow whenever and wherever possible, even if it means growing out of the size of a granite cliff.

The power in the flume was incredible!

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