Tuesday, July 10, 2012

(untitled, part 2)

I found out yesterday that a classmate of mine from business school committed suicide over the weekend.  C was in several classes with me, most recently in my semester-long group for my spring semester capstone class.  C was bright, smart, funny and talented.  He was in the joint JD/MBA program at my school and would have graduated in December.  The news was quite shocking to receive; an undergraduate committed suicide in the same place, in the same way, in April, just before graduation.  I feel for C's family and friends and everyone who knew him and I feel a sadness that I can't quite identify and an empathy that burns.  I know how he felt about school; I felt that way too most of the time while I was in school.  I wish I could reach out to C and tell him that It Gets Better, I Promise.  But it's too late. 

Someone sent me this link to the flash mob today.  I watched it and cried.  I cried for C and cried for knowing that world is a bit more dull without C being in it. And I cried for my own journey through business school, knowing how many times I felt just like C did.  Every day I try to remind myself that happiness is a choice and life can be so amazing if I just let myself be happy, day by day.  Today's reminder speaks volumes. 


  1. I'm so sorry, friend. This is such sad news. Peter has been reading For Whom The Bell Tolls, and I totally thought of that meditation by John Donne as I was reading your post. We are all diminished.

  2. Thanks Stephanie.

    I think you were referring to this? http://www.online-literature.com/donne/409/? It's perfect. Thank you. xo

  3. Yes! That is it. I'm really only familiar with the most-quoted lines though, beginning with, "No man is an island." I find it very beautiful - like the video you posted.

  4. I'm so sorry. Hard, crushing news. I had a high school friend who committed suicide almost 20 years ago, at a time when (it seemed, from outside) her life was full of wonderful new beginnings.
    I wish you peace and comfort, and I really wish your friend the peace he must have been desperately trying to find. I'm so sorry.
    Thank you for posting the flash mob, reminding me that there are still and always unexpected and astonishing moments of beauty and joy. Hopefully, for all of us.
